Tuesday 7 July 2020

Spiritually called Sodom and Egypt

July 6th 2020. 11:44

Spiritually called Sodom and Egypt

Jerusalem is a great city-figuratively called Spiritually Sodom and Egypt. Why would this be so? Especially that it is a great city where the Lord was raised as a child and attended the temple & festivals. He was also crucified somewhat near there. As quoted written: "Its a place where "Jesus was brought as a child, to be "presented" at the Temple (Luke 2:22) and to attend festivals (Luke 2:41)."

Jesus indicted Jerusalem for killing the prophets and stoning those who were sent to it (Matthew 23:37).

Many of us have heard of Sodem and Gomerah. As quoted..

"Sodom was an exceedingly wicked city which was overthrown for her sins by God’s judgment (Gen. Gen. 13:13; Gen. 19:24). Egypt was the nation which held Israel in bondage and was judged by plagues prior to the Exodus (Ex. Ex. 1:13-14; Ex. 3:7; Ex. 20:2). Jerusalem, in her godless state, is likened to both the wicked city and the wicked nation."

Now the bible/Revelation compares Jerusalem to Spiritually called Sodom and Egypt.

Its interesting to know that the Eastern Orthodox Church teaches that the New Jerusalem is the City of God that will come down from heaven in the manner described in the Book of the Apocalypse (Revelation). This is taught in the King James Bible.

So to exam this more in-depth.

What is the significance of Jerusalem in the Bible? "In Christianity, the Christian faith, Jerusalem's place in the life of Jesus gives it great importance, in addition to its place in the Old Testament. Jerusalem is the place where Jesus was brought as a child, to be "presented" at the Temple (Luke 2:22) and to attend festivals (Luke 2:41)."

Again just to stress, not only was the Lord raised attending festivals & the temple in Jerusalem but he also gave his life near there. That city had/has great significance/importance in the gospel and also in the temple that will be rebuilt may be there or near by. Now let's examine the place where the Lord was crucified being Golgotha


"They were written to provide a testimony of faith. LAWTON: According to the New Testament, Jesus was crucified at a spot outside Jerusalem called Golgotha, which in Aramaic means “place of the skull.” The Latin word for skull is calvaria, and in English many Christians refer to the site of the crucifixion as Calvary. Mar 30, 2012"

Where is Golgotha located? "Jerusalem. Golgotha. Golgotha, (Aramaic: “Skull”, )also called Calvary, (from Latin calva: “bald head,” or “skull”), skull-shaped hill in Jerusalem, the site of Jesus' crucifixion."

What is Golgotha called today? "hill, Jerusalem. Alternative Title: Calvary. Golgotha, (Aramaic: “Skull”, )also called Calvary, (from Latin calva: “bald head,” or “skull”), skull-shaped hill in Jerusalem, the site of Jesus' crucifixion. It is referred to in all four Gospels.May 21, 2020"

Can you visit the place where Jesus was crucified? Yes. As far as what they believe to be near/in the place or spot there is a church called, Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

In research it is quoted/written "This church in the Christian Quarter of the Old City is where Christ was crucified, buried and resurrected. This is one of the most venerated sites in Christendom, and a major pilgrimage destination."

Now there's a reason to look at the two witnesses from the book of Revelation. Revelation meaning is "Revealed" to us. In revelation the story of the two witnesses is astonishing. When examined it all fits and reveals the God hating world that worships Satin unaware mostly. Should we be surprised?

Revelation 11:8 "Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city--figuratively called Sodom and Egypt--where their Lord was also crucified."


There is a body of Truth that the world will not and cannot receive. The devil deceives the whole world. The world lies in his hands. He is the god of this world. Now concerning the two witnesses from Revelation 11.3 here the perplexity of this situation below...

Research quoted


"According to this passage, the two witnesses have encountered great opposition. Those who tried to kill them, at first, were consumed by flames (Revelation 11:5). They administered plagues on the earth and caused droughts and other disasters (Revelation 11:6). All of this happens while they are prophesying on God's behalf, bringing a message which the world does not want to hear."

Again.. Remember Jesus indicted Jerusalem for killing the prophets and stoning those who were sent to it (Matthew 23:37).

Quoted..from research..

"Further, verse 8 indicates the great city is where our Lord was crucified. Jesus died on a cross outside Jerusalem, not Rome or Babylon. John tells us that the great city symbolically is called Sodom and Egypt. In the tribulation Jerusalem will be morally corrupt like Sodom and its residents will be in bondage to the beast that controls the economy and their lives (see Revelation 13:16–17"). 

Bible Study Tools

Revelation 11:7 Revelation 11:9 their dead bodies will lie in the street Lack of burial is particularly repugnant to the Jews.

”1 The beast and earth dwellers purposefully leave the bodies of the witnesses unburied as an intentional dishonor and insult (Isa. Isa. 14:20; Jer. Jer. 8:2; Jer. 14:16)."

"This is another indication of the Jewishness of the context. 2 the great city. The same phrase is used elsewhere to describe Babylon"


 "earthly Jerusalem, and the heavenly Jerusalem.3 Both Babylon and earthly Jerusalem have great significance in the scenario of the Tribulation. One is the center of the anti-God system of Babylon whereas the other is the earthly city where God has placed His name. It is within this latter great city, Jerusalem, that the Tribulation Temple will stand which Antichrist desecrates. The identity of the city among the three possible locations (Babylon, earthly Jerusalem, heavenly Jerusalem) is established by its identification as the place “where also our Lord was crucified.” 

For more in-depth scripture listing see reference REVELATION 16:19


"spiritually πνευματικῶς [pneumatikōs] meaning “in a manner consistent with the (divine) Spirit.”4 “ ‘Spiritually’ . . . shows this to be the language of allegory or metaphor. Neither Sodom nor Egypt is the city’s real name.”5 One of the ministries of the Holy Spirit is to assess the true spiritual conditions of His subject. He is represented by “seven eyes which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth”. His omniscient gaze burns away the dross of external representation to reveal the true character below . It is in this sense, as seen by the Spirit, that Jerusalem is called “Sodom and Egypt.” "Called Sodom and Egypt Both Sodom and Egypt typify cities which were opposed and judged by God. Sodom was an exceedingly wicked city which was overthrown for her sins by God’s judgment. Egypt was the nation which held Israel in bondage and was judged by plagues prior to the Exodus. Jerusalem, in her godless state, is likened to both the wicked city and the wicked nation. Even though the two witnesses exhibit a Jewish ministry located in Jerusalem, they are rejected by the majority of the inhabitants—their fellow Jews. When Moses sang a song predicting the apostasy of Israel upon entering the Promised Land after his death, he referred to the Jewish nation as “a nation void of counsel,” whose “vine is of the vine of Sodom and of the fields of Gomorrah”. Isaiah used a similar analogy when describing God’s rejection of Israel’s insincere sacrifices: “Hear the word of the LORD you rulers of Sodom; give ear to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah: ‘To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to Me? . The sin of Jerusalem is said to be as the sin of Sodom in that it was flaunted openly.6 Even the apostate prophets are likened to the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. When rejected by the cities of the lost sheep of the house of Israel, Jesus indicated that the cities which did not receive the apostles or their words would be considered worse off than Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment. Although Jerusalem is here referred to as Sodom, Isaiah also indicated that Babylon’s eventual overthrow would be like that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Elsewhere, Ezekiel describes the Northern Kingdom (Sam-aria) and the Southern Kingdom (Jerusalem) as idolatrous sisters, both of which committed harlotry in their youth while in Egypt. Comparison with Egypt recalls the idolatrous golden calf which Israel made upon departure from Egypt".

For more in-depth scripture listing see reference REVELATION 16:19

Where the lord was crucified/ of Sodom and Egypt
"Where also our Lord was crucified The MT and NU texts have their Lord instead of our Lord. Although the city has the spiritual attributes of Sodom and Egypt, its identity is clearly established as Jerusalem, the place of the crucifixion (Luke Luke 13:33; John John 19:20; Heb. Heb. 13:12). Concerning those who suggest some other location than Jerusalem, Bullinger observes: “A Sunday-school child could tell us where the Lord was crucified; but these learned men cannot.”

Some of information that has been provided has been researched. So what is revealed/learned? Why does God call Jerusalem : Spiritually called Sodom and Egypt. That should be obvious from what has been reviewed and studied here. You know the temple is going to be rebuilt. As the Lord Jesus Christ said "when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:).. 21. For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.. "

Insert July 9, 2020 Things have change in Egypt since the days of Pharaoh and Kings & Queens. So this blog may be long but it is necessary in bible studies. 


5.44 on July 9, 2020 

Quoted Research

"The last native pharaoh of Egypt was Nectanebo II, who was pharaoh before the Achaemenids conquered Egypt for a second time. Achaemenid rule over Egypt came to an end through the conquests of Alexander the Great in 332 BC, after which it was ruled by the Hellenic Pharaohs of the Ptolemaic Dynasty."  

Isaiah 19 1 to 25  ((Regarding Idols))  

"An oracle concerning Egypt. Behold, the Lord is riding on a swift cloud and comes to Egypt; and the idols of Egypt will tremble at his presence, and the heart of the Egyptians will melt within them. And I will stir up Egyptians against Egyptians, and they will fight, each against another and each against his neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom; and the spirit of the Egyptians within them will be emptied out, and I will confound their counsel; and they will inquire of the idols and the sorcerers, and the mediums and the necromancers; and I will give over the Egyptians into the hand of a hard master, and a fierce king will rule over them, declares the Lord God of hosts. And the waters of the sea will be dried up, and the river will be dry and parched,"

 Are Egyptian gods still Worshiped today?  "not a major religion by any means but it still exists, Kemetisism being the main branch. There are actually very few truly dead religions. Some have been knocked down from their heyday but most gods we know of have a church or two scattered around the world."

 "When the Greeks and the Romans conquered Egypt, their religion was influenced by that of Egypt. Ancient pagan beliefs gradually faded and were replaced by monotheistic religions. Today, the majority of the Egyptian population is Muslim, with a small minority of Jews and Christians. 5.44 on July 9, 2020"

Sodom was a wicked place of sexual immorality, fornication and evil that God brought judgment against. Egypt is the place of the exile that held the slaves as it is written. Egypt was known for idols/idolatry. There is a study of explanation above as things have changed in modern times. See 
Isaiah 19:25 .

There is mystery Babylon that is the same/related in that regard. Now combine that with the death/sacrifice of Christ in that place called the scull and the murder of the prophets that the Lord Jesus Christ said Jerusalem is guilty of stoning and killing the prophets let alone pondering the Antichrist walking into the rebuilt temple and profanes it. See Daniel 11:31 In other words, the Anti-Christ who sets up idols in the temple and demands worship. Then in cross reference to the two witnesses of God and how they are despised that should ring some bells. They administered plagues on the earth and caused droughts and other disasters (Revelation 11:6). They are despisedWe know there are Nations that are against God.  They despise the God of Israel being the God of the Bible/(I AM) as such claim their inheritance and right to that place being associated with Christ's kingdom/coming Kingdom. There are those whom lay claim to this place. Satin has his part. We know there are those whom called for/wanting Israel wiped off the map. Again, we know the Antichrist is going to break his promise after three and a half years too. This is very important but it is not the full story of the Gospel of course. But we have RevelationSo, in the tribulation period people will be in bondage to the Beast whom will control their lives. That reveals he is not of God but of the evil one as we know.   If you understand which people (races), (religious groups) are in Jerusalem now and think how the Jewish people wish to build their temple to honor their God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the hatred people have for them it is not good. We also know that there have been attempts at peace plans that failed. There are land disputes and more. So, it's not hard to see how the Anti-Christ can breaks his agreement after 3 1/2 years and things progress as written. 

 In the study if there is understanding it is plain to see how deception is already set so what is written/revealed will eventually occur. It appears to be in the tribulation period. So, you should understand why Jerusalem is called or referred to as spiritually Sodom & Egypt. Recall Christ was the unblemished lamb that takes away the sins of the world. He is now risen. Amen

REFERENCE: Abomination of Desolation:
Matthew 24:15-21 King James Version 15 "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)"
  • Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will Never Pass Away. Matthew 24.35 How can this be? 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
July 6, 2020 1:44 pm 1:55 pm 7:44 am July 7, 2020 & 12:22

6.44 PM finalized

For more in-depth scripture listing see reference REVELATION 16:19

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