Thursday 9 July 2020

Street preacher arrested & charged with criminal disorderly conduct

July 9,2020 10:13/10:44 AM

There is a street preacher whom goes by the name of Gab-e The-Street Preacher and recently as far as is know he was arrested and charged with criminal disorderly conduct. There is also a video showing such which I find a lack of dialog prior to arrest. I’ve seen street preachers being arrested before and there was dialog prior. This seemed to be bland in a sense. So as a Christian believer I request prayer for Gab-e the street preacher. I do know they stand up for the gospel but sometimes they are met with a strong force of resistance whereby people don’t want to hear the gospel. They see it as a pestilence/annoyance but none the less the gospel is real, the truth and judgment is really coming as God says in his word. So, in that light I wanted to bring this situation to your attention for prayer and I do know some street preachers with over 30 years of experience have made a few video’s showing street preachers how to be better effective. Not sure if they utilize the help properly as sometimes it seems not so. 

Here is what Gab-e wrote on is YouTube page description 

“Someone reported me for preaching. I was using a mini amp at half volume and apparently it was too loud and classes couldn't be conducted with the "Loudness" of the preaching I was told.  

 One of the officers (the one who handcuffed me) said later that he was a Christian and he agrees with the preaching. I heard that lie many times. While I was in custody, I was mocked by the officer who played the loud music. He was condescending while writing up the charges. I was also mocked by another clerk while I was in handcuffs for my sweater which said "Evolution is a Big Lie." They mocked the sweater and tried to ask questions such as "Do you really believe that?" and laughed. The devil was all in this. 

 I felt like Jesus when he was on the cross when they mocked him and casted lots for his garments.  

 I requested prayer from a few brethren and you prayed and I thank you for that. You know who you are. It was a trying time and I had to hire a lawyer. He defended me and a plea agreement was reached. 

Long story short, I am not in jail but I had to pay a fine, I have restrictions and I cannot preach at that particular college for the rest of the year into next year. 

Gab-e does give somewhat of a detailed explanation on his You-Tube Page. I’ve reviewed the video and as I say I think they (Police) could have spoken with Gab-e prior to arrest and explained the concern better. Gab-e seemed startled when the officer approached and had gotten close. Seems like the officer(s) just wanting him off the school campus where he was preaching that day. Now I know with the corona virus pandemic and the rioting happening in the United States things are tense in conjunction with the black man killed at the hand of police that said he could not breath being George FloydSo, it's not easy. I see street preachers preaching on street corners with no problem at times. But these things do happen. They complain about the street preacher disturbing the peace or causing/inciting a riot. But the real rioting is evident. God does know the heart. I think street preachers would be better off preaching at times in groups and using various methods that will help them be better effective. Wisdom gentlemen, Wisdom.

There have been other very experienced street preachers such as Ruben Israel that has offered advice to new street preachers, basically other street preachers. I have noticed he does use different methods at different times as some very experienced street preachers seem to be very effective at the preaching.

In more recent times Ruben gave a personal tour on video for other street preachers being a word of advice on better effective preaching and where/what to do. The video is HERE.

Blessed are those whom labor for the lord. 10:44 am July 9, 2020

Related Video's/Information: The devil is in the details  Blind ignorance loves company, Freedom Of Speech UnderminedStreet Preacher Attacked In Toronto Canada

July 10, 2020 3:03 pm today

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