Thursday 2 July 2020

The Free gift of God eternal life

The Free gift of God eternal life 

July 2, 2029 3:44 pm 4.44 pm 5:44 pm

Who was Stephen? "Stephen was one of the seven men chosen to be responsible over the distribution of food to widows in the early church after a dispute arose and the apostles recognized they needed help. He was also "full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people" (Acts 6:8)

Was it Stephen chosen/a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit that was Stoned to Death as he was questioned by the Syn-agog of the Freedman but said prior   "you people are a stiff necked people". The Jewish Sanhedrin religious outfit were unable to accept or hear God's word or testimony on behalf of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. I've heard it said that one needs to keep their traditions handed down from Paul the Apostle which is to keep Sunday service, etc. But In Colossi-ans 2:16 it is written : "6 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy-day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:" Any study with a clear mind will show that the original faith is evil spoken of 2 Peter 2.2 and was radically changed from the first century when James wrote about it. Acts 20:29 As they say wolves came in and did not spare the flock. Are then some Christians and pastures being stiff necked because they cannot accept the deviation occurred just as was foretold? 

Now the just of the matter regarding The free gift of God being eternal life. The word of God tells me that there needs to be edifying of the body of Christ. 

What does God's free gift mean? Can everyone accept it without condition nor salvation method of speech & heart.  For example can someone from some other faith accept it and stay in their own faith that apposes Christianity or true Christianity? It couldn't be a free gift without the sacrifice of the Lamb  John 1:29 nor without repentance and believing in the gospel. So you cannot accept it without whom/referenced/truly believing? And once you believe what does that mean as then it becomes obvious a decision needs to be made on acceptance? Furthermore, Should you trample the blood? Hebrews 10:29, KJV Should you just stay in your sinful worldly ways? Faith is one thing but true righteousness is yet another. Was this gift conditional? Its not any man on earth that the condition / gift came from. Its the Holy living God. Its his method of salvation. You have to believe, you must have faith and you must make a profession with your mouth and your heart must believe what you are saying. How could you believe in a Christ you never met? I mean you could pick up any fantasy fiction book then read about some fictitious Character/Person and think that he is real. There are counterfeit Christs. How do we know that?  2 Corinthians 11:4 You know scripture tells us it would be so. And it reveals it with great description. How do we know who's a real Christ?  We can go to the Bible and see what the Bible says. That is the 66 books of the King James Bible. We can go to the book of Revelations and see how God and the lamb thinks/what they said. When one knows what occurred in history and connects the dots what is written becomes obvious unless you have been brainwashed. If you study history from all the centuries, especially the first century and you studied who was the Lord Jesus Christ you're going to find out he was Jewish. Once you study his Hebrew background including his language and the customers/traditions of those Jewish Hebrews your going to find out that he was a Jewish Rabbi and he didn't keep pagan traditions. When you study the Bible you're going to find out the description that some religions have painted of him is far removed from what is revealed in scripture. When you look at his background being messianic Judaism and you study the authority of scripture your going to find out just as written in the gospel that the world is deceived by the devil. Revelation 12:9 So if you look at Romans 10:9 it is written "9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved".

Jesus Christ's gift to a repenting thief nailed to the cross next to him!

The man nailed on the cross next to Christ being a thief was repentant but he was nailed to a cross at the end of his rope. That means that the end of his life was before him. He was one of the three persons on that roman cross. One was the lamb that takes away the sins of the world. He was there nailed (repentant thief) had been right next to him being the lamb/Christ. He confessed, repented and the Lord forgave him and granted him eternal life. The gift of life! Praise the Lord. How many people had a chance to be on a cross with the actual true Messiah. Not many. And even on the cross the Lord Jesus Christ said forgive them that day for they know what they do. 

So is the free gift conditional for us today? Can we go to heaven on our terms? Is there any requirement necessary? Its not us that paid the debt but Christ Jesus being the unblemished lamb that takes away the sins of the world. Its conditional as written in Romans 10:9. It does not require Sunday service either. Without whom/his sacrifice would not have been possible to us. 

With God all things are possible. 12.55 am (First Write)

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