Saturday 29 May 2021

Damned if you won’t listen

 9.21 am 9:44 am Saturday May 29, 2921


You should know why I reiterate this example. I said this before. Its like a student in University. They have a professor who is going to give them an exam. He gives them clues so that they don't fail. Because he doesn't want them to repeat the semester which is expensive if you're a University student. They have heart as a teacher the same way Jesus did.  (Trailer head notes)

But he knows some of the students are going tonight to clubs and into all forms of worldliness associated with such. I mean even in high school I've experienced this with teachers. And so he or she quizzes the class before the exam. They want to get an idea if the students perceived the teachings. This is done so that they can individually work with those students that don't get it. And they give ample warnings. They even postpone the exam to a later date to give a grace period. And still after the exam many fail. The teachers or I should say professors now review the tests especially of those who failed. And then they review it with the whole class. Perhaps there is somebody who failed that is borderline. That means just one or a few scores away from passing. And they find a way to pass that student. Still many others cannot be past. This is the same thing with God given people a grace period. People try to reach lost people or deceived people. But when such people now are accustomed to deception and to all the wrong ways they are enslaved just like a man who would attend an A & A meeting and deny they have a problem with drunk driving. See the court told him or her to enter that program and the fine would be reduced. They should learn the lesson. But there is no remorse. Little effort to listen.

(But there is no remorse. No correction. Don't have clear understanding.)


Isaiah 30:9

“That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD:”

We can call them cloud without wells. Or we can call them reprobate minds. God calls them people with seared consciences. We can call them corrupted minds. So once they are so far gone and so far deceived its not easy to wake them up. They are rebellious as hell. They are wicked and they think  themselves as good. But God says they are evil doers. They are children of deception. And their fruits are evident and give them away. They can't hide it. Why? They make excuses. Because it is engrafted in them as they practice those things which are an abomination. Ignorantly they do these things. And they have pleasure in it.


They reject the word of God to keep their own traditions. Their own deceptions. You can say they have been brainwashed. They have been deceived like somebody in one of those gambling pyramid schemes. As a brother in Christ preached they go through the formalities of religion but they don't have relationship nor understanding. They don't love the truth. They don't study the truth. They are probably liberal minded. They are wordily minded. They don't see what the true God sees or says. They are in darkness. They put  darkness for light. But they don't see that. In a way that they don't understand they embrace all those things that are an abomination and that are against the true God so much that they suck them into their lives. And they see that as life. But the lord Jesus said its all death. They don't hear, they can't listen, and they reject correction. So you would have to wonder how can they be saved. Well God gave them over as he sent them strong illusion manifestations of delusion that they believe the lie. They don't obey the true God. They're probably not atheist. They have religion without relationship.


Instead of putting their faith in the risen lord king Jesus Christ they put it in false teachings and in the formalities of religion but not relationship. They also have counterfeit. And they believe that counterfeit is not counterfeit. Even though as their fruits are evident. They still refuse to see and hear that they might not be damned but be saved.


So if they die without repentance they will perish. Have you seen all the things written on the street preacher signs. The truth. And such people will claim ignorance to Jesus when they die in their sins of deception. But he will profess on to them that he never knew them. He did say however that a man or a woman must be born again. Heaven and earth will pass away but my word will never pass away.

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