These are links reviewed recently. There are many questions when it comes to biblical Christianity and the world since it began to exist. The bible says:
"Hosea 4:6 King James Version (KJV) "6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."
Truly there are many questions people have. I recently read that a girl lost her faith in God and she became an atheist. She had woken up and realized it was gone. The only thing that she has is memory of it is paraphernalia. There any questions and I guess one would have to consult not just data online but also textbooks being history books and books written by well studied/published authors. There are people that will tell you, "you have head knowledge" as if that is not important. But it is important to have an understanding of what transpired since the fall of mankind. And so that's what these links are for. Sometimes little pieces of information shed light as a puzzle piece and bring greater understanding. You know the Bible says a man should studied and show themselves approved onto God.
Who Owns Jerusalem?Israel? God does.. The bible has a lot to say about the holy land.
"Israel controlled the Western portions of it, while Jordan controlled East Jerusalem. After the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel seized all of Jerusalem. Aug 23, 2017"
Who are the 144,000 of Revelation? Great Question!!!
Pre-Millennialism, Post-Millennialism or Amillennialism? (CONFUSING)
What Are the New Heavens and New Earth? Don Stewart
No sea and remodeled new heavens and earth.
No sea and remodeled new heavens and earth.
Pre-Millennialism, Post-Millennialism or Amillennialism? (CONFUSING)
The Fall Of Babylon – Old Testament and New
Did Elijah go to heaven? Great Prophet!
Why Don't They Make A Sinaiticus Bible?
What’s Missing from Codex Sinaiticus, the Oldest New Testament? - Biblical Archaeology Society
Codex Sinaiticus - Home
Islam’s Origins: Myth and Material Evidence - YouTube
Church | Definition of Church by Merriam-Webster
How many times does the word church appear in the Old Testament?
Who are the 144,000 of Revelation? | United Church of God.
Well Not Jehovah's Witnesses. Mainly the 12 tribes of Israel. And others too.
Where Does the Word ‘Church’ Come From? Rick Renner Ministries
Who changed the Sabbath and is it wrong to not keep it?
The Sabbath Command (Part 2)
We are not under law and true. Grace.
"What day, then, should Christians set aside? There is no commandment given to Christians in this area. Every day of the week belongs to God. The idea of worshiping God one day in seven, whether it be the first or the seventh, and then living for self the rest of the week is a grievous evil existing today. People often think that they can go to church one day of the week, pray and sing a few hymns piously, and then live for the Devil the rest of the time. Every day is the Lord's, and Christians owe Him their worship and devotion as much on Monday as on Saturday or Sunday."
We are not under law and true. Grace.
"What day, then, should Christians set aside? There is no commandment given to Christians in this area. Every day of the week belongs to God. The idea of worshiping God one day in seven, whether it be the first or the seventh, and then living for self the rest of the week is a grievous evil existing today. People often think that they can go to church one day of the week, pray and sing a few hymns piously, and then live for the Devil the rest of the time. Every day is the Lord's, and Christians owe Him their worship and devotion as much on Monday as on Saturday or Sunday."
What is Mormonism? The Mormon religion has some strange beliefs.
Who is the Whore of Babylon?
Question 18: Can a person be Catholic and Christian? The answer is no. Why? It is another gospel and another Jesus Christ. The bible says to come out of it. Micheal answers this in his own way. Catholics are on the broad road to destruction. The road is narrow.
Question 24: Can you lose your salvation? Great Answer
What did Jesus mean that 'nobody comes to
me except the Father draws them'? Another well thought out explanation by
Michael Pearl
Is Seventh Day Adventism A
Cult? Great explanation. Justin Peters labelled it a cult. It adds to scripture
the works of Ellen G. White. The bible warns against doing such things. Some
teachings are very good and they keep the Sabbath but it adds to
What does it mean to
'fall from grace' (Galatians 5:4)? Some people say/teach keeping the Sabbath keeps a believer in messiah/Christ "under" the law. Is this true? There is a freedom under the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ. Paul argued with Peter about having the gentiles keep Jewish laws or their requirement as Jews. Paul was talking in his letter to the Galatians about circumcision. If a person keeps the Sabbath to be "justified" under the law than that is improper. Remember Christ healed on the Sabbath and that made the Jewish religious leaders angry. But he kept the Sabbath! But not in the regard they did.
The Mysterious Word "Church" | Bein' a Berean
What's Wrong With The Word Church?
Here are more links for research as of February 8, 2020
Simon Magus - Wikipedia (WICKED)
This guy was wicked. You can read in the book of Acts. He tried to buy the power of the holy spirit and Peter rebuked him. You can see what religion he started by studying his history.
The Resurrection Was Not on Sunday |
It was on the Sabbath. He is the lamb that takes away the sins of the world. One needs to study to know. On the Sunday the Angel said he was risen at the tomb to the woman.
Contradictions: Three Days and Nights | Answers in Genesis
The Resurrection Was Not on Easter Sunday! | Tomorrow's World
What was the land of Israel called before 1948? - Quora
These empires that existed in that day sort of make things confusing. When you study you will get an idea of what it was like in the 1st century when Christ walked the earth.
Here are more links for research as of February 8, 2020
Simon Magus - Wikipedia (WICKED)
This guy was wicked. You can read in the book of Acts. He tried to buy the power of the holy spirit and Peter rebuked him. You can see what religion he started by studying his history.
The Resurrection Was Not on Sunday |
It was on the Sabbath. He is the lamb that takes away the sins of the world. One needs to study to know. On the Sunday the Angel said he was risen at the tomb to the woman.
Contradictions: Three Days and Nights | Answers in Genesis
The Resurrection Was Not on Easter Sunday! | Tomorrow's World
What was the land of Israel called before 1948? - Quora
These empires that existed in that day sort of make things confusing. When you study you will get an idea of what it was like in the 1st century when Christ walked the earth.
This video is profound and dynamic. Just a wonderful video and Ravi really explains his position and understand of the meaning of life wonderfully in his own words.
Meaning of Life Ravi Zacharias
There is/was a video by the seventh day Adventist religion which reflects some truth. We are in the end days and times. It is "reflecting truth" in some ways. There are disputes over some "doctrines" in true biblical Christianity but it does recognize the lord Jesus Christ (YESHUA). The truth will be evil spoken off in the end days and it is!!! Wake Up!!! I've got a temporary SHORT response commentary video below. Sin leads to destruction. Please seeks Jesus Christ of the bible.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 King James Version (KJV)
"3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."

This video below is my first response. Now I got a second video response as well.

If somebody was to give money to charity and they were rich like a famous celebrity the intent was good. Even if the intent was to get a tax write off and if they hadn't given that money they may have lost more than they gave. But the recipient of that money accessing funds if they use them inappropriately than the original intent becomes corrupted. We can draw an analogy that the heart is abundantly wicked in this scene. Jesus Christ said when you give to somebody you have done that on to him. You are not saved by works but to glorify God is to love other people. Now of course it depends who you're given to. If it had been somebody who's extremely spoiled and rich they just want and the original intent is corrupted and it gets spoiled. In other words it is flawed & unjust. Heaven will be - MINUS evil greedy people. A camel of sin is a door stopper.
Why would people want to know who owns Jerusalem or Israel? Probably Believers in Jesus Christ would want to know such. People that read the Bible. We are told that Israel is the land of the Lord's. Jesus Christ was born in Jerusalem and he will rule from Jerusalem when he comes back as he will rule the nation's with a rod of iron. There are people who think the Catholics own Jerusalem. There are various groups but it doesn't mean they own the country. It could be complicated. There is a government and a governing body. There are land disputes and divisions between the Palestinians and the Jewish people. Muslims play a great part too. The Bible tells us in the end God will defend Israel. The Anti Christ has a great deal related to à peace treaty in regards to this as the bible states. Nations will come/rise against Israel in the end days. So its important to understand prophecy.
Search: "Israel! Israel controlled the Western portions of it, while Jordan controlled East Jerusalem. After the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel seized all of Jerusalem.Aug 23, 2017"
Who are the hundred and forty four thousand of Revelation? Well I read such as Jehovah Witnesses think it's them. There are so many people that will claim something but what does the Bible have to say? There are sealed peoples.
Rev 7 "13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? 14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
It tells us that a good portion of that goes to the 12 tribes of Israel. Whatever remainder there is could go to the Apostles and maybe the Martyrs of Jesus Christ. Even various selected people that were called. The question is are you saved. Is the Lord Jesus Christ your lord and savior?
People wonder when Christ comes back will he rule from the new heavens and earth or from this one. I've read people think that the Earth will be remodeled back to its original state before the fall. The millennium means a thousand years. During this time Satin would be bound. I read about people's perception about this as well. Some people think that the saints will be raised but the Earth will have people who are not as well. So then when is it the great day of the Lord at the first appearance or after the millennium? This is where you get that problem; pre-millennium, post millennium, etc. After the millennium Satin is released and goes out to deceive the nation's again. The reason is mind boggling perhaps. Maybe to test people now that they lived with Christ or to show Satin he lost and God's way is superior. This is not the end of the earth yet but a cleansing will take place.
Forget about the Sinaitacus bible. It probably is a forgery. God gave us the King James Bible. Amen!!! He didn't only give us the Bible as he has given us his only begotten son and the Holy Spirit as well.
Did God give us a Calendar? This relates to Sabbath Change and biblical holy
days. We know the devil attempts to change the appointed times and dates God has set. He counterfeits everything. The calendar seems to be messed up and the Sabbath was changed. Did-god-give-a-calendar
What does the Bible really say about healing? God is holy and not a spectacle. There are people who teach that these gifts are no longer with us. There are other Christians who believed that one needs faith if they have these gifts and the person receiving them must receive them with faith for it to take effect. I have seen a lot of testimonies and some seem credible while others don't. There's a lot of false healing(s). I have seen reports of healing(s) doctors can't explain. I think God still does it. But it's within his will and it's dependent on people's prayer and faith. Christ said when I come back will I find faith on the Earth. So faith has a lot to do with things. But one must understand "dispensations" of time too. Not everyone has the same gifts. Christ's ministry was to demonstrate what awaits those who truly love God. See HERE
The prophet Elijah was a great prophet. I read that he came to turn the children of Israel back from Baal onto the true God of Israel. There is controversy regarding if he really ascended to heaven or not. Probably his spirit did. Somewhere I read that he was so anointed that if somebody touched his dead bones they would be healed of really extreme diseases. In other words that's how anointed he was.
Who was Jesus Christ?
He was Jewish. He was raised Jewish because he was Jewish. This is something people should research. He wasn't a pagan and he wasn't an idol worshiper. He was well acquainted with sorrow. He had a magnificent character according to the Bible. He demonstrated the love of his father who is in heaven. He had no majesty or comlyness that people should be attracted to him. He had a face men looked away from. Yet, he drew large crowds and gave people a new vision. He did claim before Abraham that he and the father are one. He was referred to as the son of man when he was on Earth. And he is whom he said he was. He is a mighty king. And he is the Lord of lords. He is risen and glorified. In the beginning was the word. Without that word nothing made was made that we see made. Of course there's a lot of things we can't see that are made. So what does that mean? That God's power/word is powerful. God spoke everything into existence. He's holy and righteous. The things that men hold highly too he sees them as foolishness. If you read scripture you can see/sense God's character. You will find out that he is love. But the love that he is, it's not the carnal love that fades away. His love is very deep and everlasting.
John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
John 1:14 - "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."
John 8:58 - "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am."
Isaiah 53:5 - "But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."
John 14:6 - "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Acts 4:11-12 - "This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner."
Revelation 22:13 King James Version (KJV)
"13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."
People ask all the time, why is there so much evil in the world? I myself have given writings on this before. And of course many people have covered this topic for many years, probably centuries. And people will say where is God? John 4:24 (KJV) "24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." Prayer is communication. I can tell you whatever his will is, it's greater than anything human beings can Phantom. There was a fall and that is true. That fall must have been so great that he decided to create the Earth in its fallen state as men hated the light. Yes he said it was good. But he understood the disobedience of Adam/Eve and Satin/Fallen Angels/SIN. He put death and life before people. Choice wisely. You can SEE the fall in life very easily. There needs to be acceptance of the blood sacrifice that his son made on the cross. There needed to be somebody to pay the penalty for sin. The relationship was severed. He is the God of life and Christ swallowed up death at the cross. He said let the dead bury the dead. You know why he said that? Because he's not the God of the dead. He is the God of the living. While some dead may be raised back to life he still is not the God of the dead. He paid the penalty in full and when he said it is finished, it was done. Humans are born with a fallen nature. How do you overcome this? A man or woman must be born again by the spirit of God or else he or she will not see God's Kingdom. You have prayer too. By believing on the only name given in which a human being can be saved you will inherit eternal life. What a gift and what a God. You can't pay for it. Salvation is by grace through faith alone. "Not of works, lest any man should boast." Its God's gift. Call on him to save you. Cry out to him and tell him you appreciate what he did for you on the cross and that you'll follow him. I would suggest taking an interest in reading scripture. Read the Bible.
What is the bronze serpent?
"In the biblical Books of Kings (2 Kings 18:4; written c. 550 BCE), the Nehushtan (Hebrew: נחשתן Nəḥuštān [nə.ħuʃ.taːn]) is the derogatory name given to the bronze serpent on a pole first described in the Book of Numbers which God told Moses to erect so that the Israelite's who saw it would be protected from dying from the bites of the "fiery serpents", which God had sent to punish them for speaking against him and Moses."
Why is a bronze serpent used to save the Israelite's in Numbers 21:8-9
"A couple of additional lessons are taught in the Bible regarding this bronze serpent. The people did get healed when they looked at the serpent, and the image was kept for many years. Many years later, when the Israelite's were in the Promised Land, the serpent became an object of worship (2 Kings 18:4). This shows how easy it is for us to take the things of God and twist them into idolatry. We must never worship the tools or the people God chooses to use, but always bring the honor and glory to God alone."
You got to remember that the Egyptians were Idol worshipers. You see the people that Moses saved from the pharaoh lost their faith in God through the wilderness and they were getting bitten by snakes. Think about it they spent 4 generations in captivity and how easy one can go back to sin and rebellion. They say these snake bites were God's wrath because they disobeyed Moses. In fact they got really near the promised Land and they were turned back. They rebelled and blamed Moses for their sins. So God had them circle the desert until those generations where no more. So there's a lesson of faith to be learned. God is not mocked. The other is how easily humans become Idol worshipers. Even in the modern generation people are Idol worshipers. God said he is a jealous God and you must love him with all your heart, might & soul. This is another reason why you can't follow the world and follow God. So many people are Idol worshipers unbenounced even to themselves. So many people love the world but hate God but yet have him on their lips. And there are those that will use the brazen serpent of scripture and sort of say look God did it. But they will use it in defense of paganism. That was not God's intent. In this whole lesson you can see what God thinks of sin, rebellion and lack of faith in people as these people were rescued by Moses. Ignorance is bliss. Humans worship many man-made Gods that humans invent.
See, when God gave the Jewish people the law he expected they understood justice, mercy and faithfulness. And he/Christ did not respect them as they would want because he knew they persecuted the prophets those ones that were authentic and they disobeyed the heart of the law. Jesus showed the heart of the law (Romans 2:15) while keeping the law. And in religion they were so straight on keeping the law and stoning people who did not do it as they did/expected. We inherit a fallen human nature and God understands this. They were applying human reasoning/error to the law but lacking Gods mind and application. The same thing applies to all believers/even none believers. Humans do this too. They disobey even their own conscience or heart that tells them when they are out of line. The heart must be right with God. This is why Christ said a man or woman must be born again to see the kingdom of God.
"The Masoretic Text of the Torah places the Great Deluge 1,656 years after Creation, or 1656 AM (Anno Mundi, "Year of the World"). Many attempts have been made to place this time-span at a specific date in history."
Source here
- Calculated BC date for creation:4004
- Calculated AM date for the Flood:- 1656
- Calculated BC date for the Flood:2348
- Current Year (minus one2):+ 2011
- Number of years since beginning of Flood:4359
In summary so from 2020 back about 4359 years ago there was a flood. Hinduism dates back more than 4000/thousand years from 2020. So what am I trying to get at here? That soon after the flood people started to worship many gods again. I've heard it said as men quickly forget the true God. Hinduism is the oldest known religion to date. On the other hand Abraham could have been from 2020 back perhaps 2500 years to about 3000 years back ago dating back. Since Christ died from 2020 its about some 1,983 years ago.
Now to end this blog: "Is Tolerance Intolerant?" "Pursuing the Climate of Acceptance and Inclusion." by Ravi Zacharias at UCLA (video)
I listened to Ravi Zacharias in the speech he gave in this video/lecture. While I do agree with the fundamental teachings of Christianity being typical biblical Christianity there is a deceiving factor where by paganism has embedded itself into parts of Christ's teachings. True teachings are not pagan. So if you go to one of these places that don't have biblical Christianity but have some sort of Buddhism or other form of worship/Religion as their way of life they might advertise something that is a pagan reflection of Christ or associated with Christianity although the devil deceives the whole world of "whom" Christ really is/was. That does not make it acceptable. It can be tolerated but it doesn't mean that it's right/truth. Deception is deception and it is not biblical truth. I think Ravi is a great speaker. He gets his point across. Some of his lectures are really interesting and excellent. But the devil deceives people of whom the person of Jesus Christ really is or was. He is not Pagan or an idol worshiper. He was Jewish and he went to a Jewish synagogue on the Sabbath and read from the Torah. He kept the law perfectly. He never ever taught people pagan concepts. But he did say you will keep your own traditions making to none effect the word of God. There's a reason for posting this video and it's because Ravi is promoting Jesus Christ. Ravi is a great speaker and lecture.
SEE: Synopsis of Revelation
Now to end this blog: "Is Tolerance Intolerant?" "Pursuing the Climate of Acceptance and Inclusion." by Ravi Zacharias at UCLA (video)
I listened to Ravi Zacharias in the speech he gave in this video/lecture. While I do agree with the fundamental teachings of Christianity being typical biblical Christianity there is a deceiving factor where by paganism has embedded itself into parts of Christ's teachings. True teachings are not pagan. So if you go to one of these places that don't have biblical Christianity but have some sort of Buddhism or other form of worship/Religion as their way of life they might advertise something that is a pagan reflection of Christ or associated with Christianity although the devil deceives the whole world of "whom" Christ really is/was. That does not make it acceptable. It can be tolerated but it doesn't mean that it's right/truth. Deception is deception and it is not biblical truth. I think Ravi is a great speaker. He gets his point across. Some of his lectures are really interesting and excellent. But the devil deceives people of whom the person of Jesus Christ really is or was. He is not Pagan or an idol worshiper. He was Jewish and he went to a Jewish synagogue on the Sabbath and read from the Torah. He kept the law perfectly. He never ever taught people pagan concepts. But he did say you will keep your own traditions making to none effect the word of God. There's a reason for posting this video and it's because Ravi is promoting Jesus Christ. Ravi is a great speaker and lecture.
SEE: Synopsis of Revelation
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