Updated. September 11, 2018
Re-posting this blog with updates. Why doom & gloom.
We need to know the truth and then pray and refuse the worldly ways. We need to OBEY Christ!
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.
Philippians 4:4 KJV
Re-posting this blog with updates. Why doom & gloom.
We need to know the truth and then pray and refuse the worldly ways. We need to OBEY Christ!
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.
Philippians 4:4 KJV
I am old to praise the lord so in the midst
of this terrible news pause him.
Praise the lord
– A Capella
First PRODUCTS! We work all week for THINGS! But not for GOD. That is the REALITY of the world. See when it is written about it soon becomes a burden and is forgotten about. But in the new heaven & earth this way will be NONE existent. When I speak of VANITY I am not only speaking of outer appearance but the vain worship of THINGS and living for THINGS. Those things appealing to the eyes but not to God. In this life people are so far removed from this as they buy sports cars, and all the expensive toys. One day all of this will be meaningless. It's just we cannot see it yet. Christ will come like a thief in the night. Are you obeying him. PROFANE language leads to hell. Did Christ ever use that to REACH people? NO. When Moses came down from the mountain he knew that people had corrupted themselves. Why? God told him. That is the real GOD. There will come a time when it is REALLY evident that we finally have arrived whereby MOST everyone are without doubt. Lots are blind at this time. You cannot know the true God if you don't call on him and turn to HIM.
The reason I am including this is because this false sense of sinless people is fantasy when people take the whiter than snow out of context. When God does that great work in Israel they will be without sin as God will blot them out. It will be the same with born again Christians. The world is step in sin and that's what this blog Evil day Report is about. Pray and Repent. Turn to the gospel.
The truth will set you free.
We are living in a time of wickedness & evil just as foretold by biblical prophecy. And this day is truly horrible as evil fills the earth like in the day of Noah. And tensions of wars and rumors of wars are present. This has happening for a long time but now it is becoming very apparent. Terrorism and even gun violence has filled the earth including horrible things of sexual abuses. The things you hear in the news are unreal sometimes. Armageddon appears to be unavoidable and it appears that Israel is being attacked more and more as is free speech, and Democracies as even Microsoft had reported this is being attacked. There are strange things happening around the world and very evil things as well. Do you know the real GOD of Israel? He is the God of the bible. Yes Jesus Christ is real and this is the time to turn to the God of the bible.
One can see people being ripped off due to high gasoline prices and the prices to live are always increasing. Get a bike. Leave the car at home.The prices of affording a house and the cost of living is way too high. People appear to becoming more and more lawless just as it was predicted it would be. Are you saved? And this is not to doom & gloom.
Now I realize defense but men use these to do evil too. World wars claimed over 110 Million people already. Evil people are making rockets and trying to get nuclear power so they can wipe out their enemies and take over the world as they talk about in these radio programs. We hear Russian news, Terror news and that Europe is in chaos. We hear about horrible things occurring in Africa. Horror always in the news. Time to get to know God. There is a falling away. This is the time to turn to him and away from your wickedness. Israel is always being attacked by rockets. Presidents like Donald Trump is always in the news. Christians are being killed all over the world and churches and synagogues are being attacked in some cases. People are being tried for their faith like the pasture in jail in Turkey. You hear about the war people that are displaced, killed and atrocities done unto men, woman and children. You hear about the war in Syria and the different groups Waring with each other. Then you hear about fake news and people have itchy ears when it comes to the gospel. Listen HERE
We hear about people being terrorized and committing all types of evil atrocities, drugs being legalized, and societies in chaos. Heard about a police officer being run over and attacked after he was run over in the news. I heard about taking down the word of GOD such as "in GOD we trust" and signs and even prayers in schools. We've heard about school shootings and so much wicked chaos. God is not evil. People are. The hell Christ talked about exists. Christ is Real and he is no liar. Hell will be there and it does not discriminate. You see robberies in the news that are sad. People with music that has vile language and promotes racism and hatred. We hear about evil being done on subways and buses where people are attacked and insulted. This is not love. Turn from sins. Christ said without me you can do nothing. Why? because he is REAL and he and the father are ONE.
You know media has always been into some sort of either propaganda or political agenda but I am sure there are honest reports/reporters/media outlets too. Ones that just go out to do their job. One has to realize they are under pressure by their networks to get the story and some to sell newspapers. Some become celebrities and they may have sources that are unreliable. This is life. But we cannot paint them all with the same brush.
You know that saying "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Money is the route of all evils. True and false. Depends on what purpose it is used for. Evil does use money for evil desires. In other words those things that cannot bring eternal joy. No wonder Christ said the least is first in his Kingdom. There will come a day when money is NO MORE. Funny how GOD said the temple that sanctifies the gold is GREATER. To make HOLY, PURE. Evil is not PURE nor HOLY. Christ said there is only ONE GOOD in heaven. No one on earth is GOOD. Our good is a bag of rags according to the gospel. Why are we shocked? The person you may think is GOOD to the real GOD see's them as wicked as hell. Only the cross can cleans you. The blood of the messiah at the cross. The power that will be good will be when Christ's kingdom is established on the new earth as written in scripture. The heart of men is of the world and not of GOD. Prove it! They put an innocent man on the cross being CHRIST. He was despised, hated, mocked and rejected. BUT they look to him for entrance into that narrow door but THEY fool themselves as they can enter any which way they please. They do this while they follow the world and all it's lusts and evils. Does not work. Just what the devil desires! Christ said it is finished! Amen
See you don't just have American news but news from
all over the world. Just seems intense at times. One can sense things seem a little strange. In Canada they are having problems with gun violence and one hears very heart troubling things in the news. There were some terror attacks. Think even one on an RCMP officer. Recently two police officers lost their lives as they arrived on the scene of a crime. Sad! Please pray people. This is not the love Christ came to demonstrate. The bible says there will come a day when men do not make war anymore. Will you be one of the ones on the new earth or will you be cast into outer darkness? Get saved! Pray and thank God every day in bad & good times.
These days there are a few things that really bother me. People who smoke and their second hand smoke hurt other people. This is selfish and ignorant. People who have a vile and vex mouth/tongue and curse people. There will be lots of heat in hell. Don't go there. The other thing is taking God's name in vain. Just horrible. Repent if you do this. Anything that hurts other people can leadto outer darkness. PLEASE REPENT. Why do you think JOHN the baptist would not take back that he told the King to repent and that King had him killed. Because HELL is REAL. He knew it.
"According to the Synoptic Gospels, Herod, who was tetrarch, or sub-king, of Galilee under the Roman Empire, had imprisoned John the Baptist because he reproved Herod for divorcing his wife (Phasaelis, daughter of King Aretas of Nabataea) and unlawfully taking Herodias, the wife of his brother Herod Philip I. On Herod's ..."
The rich man that would not feed Lazarus ended up in hell and through a fixed gulf could see heaven and needed water. NONE. He said go tell my seven brothers not to come here. This is REAL. Don't be fooled. God is NO LIAR! You ONLY FOOL yourselves.
Why does God allow evil into the world. Because man would not/refuses to obey HIM. It's that simple. Someone said God made the flowers so beautiful. True! But he said the heart MUST BE right! The son of perdition Judith had a wicked heart. Christ said he was lost. For 30 pieces of silver he sold out the son of the living GOD. Confused! SEE!! WICKED/EVIL HEART! HELL IS REAL! Why would a loving GOD create HELL. Jesus represented GOD his father well. You do say! Yes his father said this is my son and in him I am well pleased. Let me ask you is God well pleased with you? Saving up for your retirement in hell. In other words are you storing up treasures being bad fruits for this life or treasures for heaven? See all the evil in the world, all the selfishness, it is overwhelming. The father sent his son into the world like NO ONE ELSE DID to make a door, a path as you could repent and turn from your sins. He became a lamb that takes the sins of the world away but the world loves it's own, and it's DEEDS are evil. Christ said that! That it's deeds are evil. He should know. MAN hears but disobeys. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when Christ tells the angels to gather the tars and cast them into lake of fire. This is not fiction. This is REAL. Get right with GOD now.
When they go to outer space to look for other planets think God does not know. He is probably thinking none of that will exist one day. Probably even the angels know. They are wasting their time. The gospel says all will be recreated. I know it is interesting. Could God have created all of that for one small earth. One tiny planet the size of a crumb compared to the size of the universe. Probably! Did Christ say he visited anywhere else? No. Did he die anywhere else to save people? No.
Okay so lets ask this question. There will come a day as the gospel say that the image of Christ is seen all OVER the world and the Jewish nation/people will weep knowing they slayed their messiah. There will be no more excuses s then everyone will know the God of Israel is REAL! What will man think then? What will man think about the universe then and evolution? What will men who were evil and unbelievers think then? God's foot-stole - The earth. The truth is despite this there will be men that get worst as they feel their evil brings no hope. Some will repent and for some it may be too late. Now is the the time to repent. NOW.
SATIN makes MANY falsehoods. And many are deceived. The whole world lies in the hands of the evil one. Don't take the name of God in vain. Laugh about it now but hell is no vacation.
These days there are a few things that really bother me. People who smoke and their second hand smoke hurt other people. This is selfish and ignorant. People who have a vile and vex mouth/tongue and curse people. There will be lots of heat in hell. Don't go there. The other thing is taking God's name in vain. Just horrible. Repent if you do this. Anything that hurts other people can leadto outer darkness. PLEASE REPENT. Why do you think JOHN the baptist would not take back that he told the King to repent and that King had him killed. Because HELL is REAL. He knew it.
"According to the Synoptic Gospels, Herod, who was tetrarch, or sub-king, of Galilee under the Roman Empire, had imprisoned John the Baptist because he reproved Herod for divorcing his wife (Phasaelis, daughter of King Aretas of Nabataea) and unlawfully taking Herodias, the wife of his brother Herod Philip I. On Herod's ..."
The rich man that would not feed Lazarus ended up in hell and through a fixed gulf could see heaven and needed water. NONE. He said go tell my seven brothers not to come here. This is REAL. Don't be fooled. God is NO LIAR! You ONLY FOOL yourselves.
Why does God allow evil into the world. Because man would not/refuses to obey HIM. It's that simple. Someone said God made the flowers so beautiful. True! But he said the heart MUST BE right! The son of perdition Judith had a wicked heart. Christ said he was lost. For 30 pieces of silver he sold out the son of the living GOD. Confused! SEE!! WICKED/EVIL HEART! HELL IS REAL! Why would a loving GOD create HELL. Jesus represented GOD his father well. You do say! Yes his father said this is my son and in him I am well pleased. Let me ask you is God well pleased with you? Saving up for your retirement in hell. In other words are you storing up treasures being bad fruits for this life or treasures for heaven? See all the evil in the world, all the selfishness, it is overwhelming. The father sent his son into the world like NO ONE ELSE DID to make a door, a path as you could repent and turn from your sins. He became a lamb that takes the sins of the world away but the world loves it's own, and it's DEEDS are evil. Christ said that! That it's deeds are evil. He should know. MAN hears but disobeys. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when Christ tells the angels to gather the tars and cast them into lake of fire. This is not fiction. This is REAL. Get right with GOD now.
When they go to outer space to look for other planets think God does not know. He is probably thinking none of that will exist one day. Probably even the angels know. They are wasting their time. The gospel says all will be recreated. I know it is interesting. Could God have created all of that for one small earth. One tiny planet the size of a crumb compared to the size of the universe. Probably! Did Christ say he visited anywhere else? No. Did he die anywhere else to save people? No.
Okay so lets ask this question. There will come a day as the gospel say that the image of Christ is seen all OVER the world and the Jewish nation/people will weep knowing they slayed their messiah. There will be no more excuses s then everyone will know the God of Israel is REAL! What will man think then? What will man think about the universe then and evolution? What will men who were evil and unbelievers think then? God's foot-stole - The earth. The truth is despite this there will be men that get worst as they feel their evil brings no hope. Some will repent and for some it may be too late. Now is the the time to repent. NOW.
SATIN makes MANY falsehoods. And many are deceived. The whole world lies in the hands of the evil one. Don't take the name of God in vain. Laugh about it now but hell is no vacation.
I recall having a conversation with a drunk once. I
tried to reach them and told them about the gospel when they were sober. They
keep saying the God of 2000 years ago does not exist. Really! God has appeared to many over time. Go look at the testimonies. Where did YOU
come from? If you look at design of anything it is design, but they would you
look and say this is not designed. Ever look at the design on birds,
butterflies and even flowers. God is real. The earth has an atmosphere and air,
oxygen, water and sun. Everything need to sustain life. The earth turns and has
night and day for a reason including the seasons. God is real. Are we that
narrow minded.
Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this
world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Those are not just words. They are
words of GOD. They are very true. Therefore, we are to obey GOD. Pagan traditions
appease the evil one and this unseen world. The scriptures tell us God hates
certain things that man does in worship. Honor him in spirit & truth. Obey
the gospel. Demonic s exists. Man suppresses the absolute truth and is ignorant as he disobeys God and defiles his soul. God's word is true.
These below are some reports and programs that address present times. Truly heart breaking and many don't like sound doctrine. Truly hatred, evil and wickedness has filled the earth. We know as we were told as biblical prophecy is TRUE.
"Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go."
In this mp3 radio report they cover current times and how Israel is being attacked and surrounded. They say Iran wants to wipe them out as well as America. They are trying to make nuclear weapons as they say they intend to use them. Then there is North Korea and those troubles that seemed to get worked out for a while. Lots of things heard in politics from around the world as well as strange weather patterns.
How the ACLJ is Working to Defend Israel
September 3, 2018
Israeli News Live
Steven covers breaking News: Russia Warns its Citizens of Direct Confrontation.
He has a full report on current time Biblical speaking. He reports on Israel and the current troubles and things they are facing Israel in terms of biblical and present times. The program is below. Steven told about a boy who had a near death experience and seen Russia and America fighting in Syria followed by a nuclear war where millions died in America, Syria and Russia possibly. We would hope and pray not. People may ask what is this war about. Should we ask GOD. Evil!! PURE EVIL.
Hal Lindsey cover it very well and in depth. Truly a troubling time as we were told by Christ himself of these current time. See the report below. This is a time to get to know the Jesus of the bible.
Call on GOD to save you. Ask for forgiveness. Turn to the gospel and away from the wicked ways of the world as hell is a real place. So many are deceived and care not. Many are lead astray and follow man. One day the wicked will find out hell was real all this time. Don't go to hell. Turn to the gospel and Christ. And this is not just words as this is very real. God cannot lie.
Two Preachers report
Bible Banned ! Strange Events Are Happening in Virginia ! End Times News Report 2018.
Just never ends. Bibles are being band, and freedoms are being sacrificed as well as free speech. There is a pasture in prison in Turkey because of his faith.
The article is HERE
ACLJ Returns to U.N. to Request Global Pressure on Turkey to Release American Pastor Andrew Brunson
Bible Banned ! Strange Events Are
Happening in Virginia !
End Times News Report 2018

Spend time with the word of God instead of the worldly lusts. Pray and repent ASAP.
The bible says if you call upon the name of the lord Jesus Christ and ask him to forgive you of your sins he is faithful to do so. Then ask him to save you. Get baptized in full immersion. You need to deny yourselves and pickup your crosses and follow the messiah Jesus Christ. We have entered into the time known as the beginning of sorrows and probably have passed the birth pains as written in scripture. Don't be selfish.
See the link about Christian persecution.
SOUND - biblegateway
Here is a heart touching
article called yearning for the end of the world.
"As a child in Iran, Dina Nayeri belonged to a secret Christian church where the Rapture was welcomed as a rescue." See: HERE
"As a child in Iran, Dina Nayeri belonged to a secret Christian church where the Rapture was welcomed as a rescue." See: HERE
Yes God is real. The GOD of Israel is real. Satin makes many types of falsehoods. Spend time praying and tell GOD you want to be able to repent and come out of the worldly ways and walk with HIM. Keep the commandments and walk with him.
God is NO LIAR and he is a righteous GOD. Turn to him today. Hell is no place to be. God says nations that forget him are turned into hell as it is written. People are mislead by evil. Many people have a wicked and evil heart. Live a righteous life.
See: the heart has to be right
This is true. Hell is a real place and there are those
of us who have spiritual eyes who know. Don’t do things that will lead to hell. Are
you aware the kind of pain Jesus took being the son of the living God. Why? Because
God would not that any parish. People don't be deceived HELL is a real place. Repent today. Make an oath to GOD. Tell him you are tired of living a life apart from him and his word. YOU CAN! DO IT!
Seen a video where a guy said your God is powerless. Really! Who created him. God is HOLY. He visits the inequity of people up unto the 3rd/4th generation. Guess he gave himself the spirit. When GOD wills something it eventually happens. Look what happened to Babylon. Look what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. That guy is unaware that GRACE is given but when he passes he will meet and see hell or stand judgement with FEAR. The gospel tells us to work out our salvation with trembling and fear. I wonder why?
People think water will wash away their sins. No! Only the blood of the lamb can do that. Only God can do that and change your wicked and evil hearts. There is NOT even one good according to Christ. They make it appear like the wicked are already forgiven because Christ died for the sins of the world. So why do people go to hell then? Why does God visit the inequity up until the 3rth/4th generation. Why are there generational curses? Oh I see we are no longer under the law! Really! Christ said he will tell many they are workers of inequity. Lawless. God never changes according to the gospel. If you don't you will parish.
Seen a video where a guy said your God is powerless. Really! Who created him. God is HOLY. He visits the inequity of people up unto the 3rd/4th generation. Guess he gave himself the spirit. When GOD wills something it eventually happens. Look what happened to Babylon. Look what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. That guy is unaware that GRACE is given but when he passes he will meet and see hell or stand judgement with FEAR. The gospel tells us to work out our salvation with trembling and fear. I wonder why?
People think water will wash away their sins. No! Only the blood of the lamb can do that. Only God can do that and change your wicked and evil hearts. There is NOT even one good according to Christ. They make it appear like the wicked are already forgiven because Christ died for the sins of the world. So why do people go to hell then? Why does God visit the inequity up until the 3rth/4th generation. Why are there generational curses? Oh I see we are no longer under the law! Really! Christ said he will tell many they are workers of inequity. Lawless. God never changes according to the gospel. If you don't you will parish.
Mid-East Prophecy Update
September 2nd, 2018
Interesting report.
Interesting report.
Jack Van Impe Presents
September 1, 201829,138 views
Just look at this snap shot. Go ((here)) to see. Scroll down the page a little.
What People Will Be Like in the Last Days? We have arrived. If you cannot see it your blind. This is now, and I am sure there are places around the earth where it is REALLY evident. Doom and gloom. This article/bible passage below is the very solid truth unfortunately. When people are down they are told happiness is in THINGS. This is the opposite to what Christ said brings eternal joy. What do the pure in heart see: GOD. Where do the righteous go: Eternal Life. Where do the wicked go: Hell. The son of GOD told us so.
When comedians makes jokes out of those things that are too be holy they have no idea that this is sin and wrong. They are unaware we reap what we sow. The bible tells us to be sober minded. The devil has fooled the multitudes into worshiping him. We are told to not cast our pearls before swines. It's a waste in other words. When the gospel says God gave certain people up to the lusts of their hearts and sent them strong delusion unfortunately this is true. There are many that are rock headed no matter what evidence they are presented with they INSIST to worship Satin while they are deceived, and they seem happy to be doing so. Are you surprised that Satin has ministers of righteousness. Can this be? Yes! They have GOD on their lips but they KNOW HIM NOT.
Many hate the CROSS and they refuse to pick it up. They love all the wicked and defiled ways of the world. They teach their children the wrong ways. And these refuse correction.
And of the people I have know about that follow pagan tradition and counterfeit Christianity the children of those parents follow what the parents follow blindly. Even if they are educated in a Democracy they are so bewitched they don't even think twice about what they follow. In retrospect gospel wise they have been bewitched from the devil but they deny the power thereof being God's nature and true character/gospel. They are children of darkness but THINK they are children of GOD. They are always in their sins thinking this is the right way to that narrow door. They follow another Christ and another gospel. They are led into spiritual fornication by Satin's ministers of righteousness. And they LOVE NOT the truth.
The rest of the article is HERE
I'm inserting a video reading and reasoning regarding current times.
What will it be like?
Or what is it like!
Jesus is Coming
…12 “Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is
with Me, to give to each one according to what he has done. 13I am the Alpha
and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” 14Blessed
are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of
life and may enter the city by its gates."
why doesn't God send evangelist to show these
people that have been bewitched by the ministers of righteousness truly
the ministers of Satin ministering their falsehoods unto the world? He
does in many cases but they for the most
part including a great portion of their deceived families are enemies to
gospel truth. They have been brainwashed by tradition whereby they are
willing participant in keeping their taught pagan
cultist practice which have been amalgamated into their worship. They
are not born
again. How can you be born again while you follow such a cultist
practice? They
are enemies of the real Christ and they are truly of "their" father
the devil. But they think themselves to be children of GOD. They
celebrate in vain and keep traditions and practices of men and not of
the true GOD. They are committing an abomination and being led into
spiritual fornication.
September 11, 2018
Well it never ends. On this day we remember that terrible day, but it never ends. The things I hear and see in society is truly troubling. You can see society has fallen away. If I had to go on and report on it that would take hours. People have been bewitched by evil and they have rock solid closed ears. See the two preachers’ newer video. Strange signs are going on all over the earth regarding what they call the end times. Are you saved? You should be. In retrospect it's very sad to see and hear so much evil/wickedness that abounds.
September 11, 2018
Well it never ends. On this day we remember that terrible day, but it never ends. The things I hear and see in society is truly troubling. You can see society has fallen away. If I had to go on and report on it that would take hours. People have been bewitched by evil and they have rock solid closed ears. See the two preachers’ newer video. Strange signs are going on all over the earth regarding what they call the end times. Are you saved? You should be. In retrospect it's very sad to see and hear so much evil/wickedness that abounds.
Will Americans Stop this from Happening
September 2018 End Times Signs
Jesus nailed to the cross
Let the dead bury the dead
Interesting Articles
Spiritual fornication
The heart must be right
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