Sunday 19 July 2020

Sin will dam your soul

July 19, 2020 5.21 am / 5:44 am / 6:44 am /10:44 am

Soap will clean your hands but sin will dam your soul. When you have become a true Christian or yet a true believer in the Jewish biblical Jesus Christ that is when you see that worldliness is not appropriate nor is it the way. James 4.4 Recently I was looking/stumbled upon Billy Joel in an interview and I believe it was for 60 minutes as he said he does not have the answer for life. Who has the answer for life? The Lord Jesus Christ. John 10:10 He/Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Billy Joel said he has this idea that just when you're about to go and leave planet Earth you think, that's the answer to life and momentarily your gone. He said life is not fair. He said/stressed you realize what life is "really" about just prior/the moment before you pass away. That's it!!!  and your gone! Billy tells people he is in darkness and he does not have the secrete. He talked about the dark side too when you think why did I do that. He talked about excessive drinking as well.  But he has this guilty conscience. You know why? The Bible tells us why. As it is written man suppresses the truth. It tells us that God wrote it on man's heart. Man perceives darkness rather than light. 

Billy Joel talked about the enormous amount of money made as a rock star. He said it's out of proportion in the interview to what he's doing as a musician. Also said that he lost about 30 million dollars. He said he was not even aware he had it and that there are always people wanting/willing to take it away from YOU. That is because so much money comes in and he doesn't really manage it. There are managers and all sorts of people involved in such a well-known life of a celebrity such as Billy Joel. They have a saying in life that too much of anything is no good. Better known as self-indulgence. When Jesus said you cannot serve two masters and that gospel says a friend of the world makes themselves God's enemy that is profoundly the spot on truth. These are chilling words as someone can/may hear "Christ never knew them" from the lamb himself. It is a fearful thing to come under judgment by the lord.

 Man will give an account for every idle word spoken if not saved and covered by the "true" blood of the Lamb. Just as written it is appointed for man to die once and then the judgement. You don't come back being reincarnated. The word of God tells us there will be crying and gnashing of teeth on judgement Day. Luke 13:28 Spiritual bodies but same you. Many people will not make it into his kingdom. While God is merciful there is a profound reason that people will perish when they die in their sins. People want the free gift and at the same time so many people oppose the true God and have so many idols before him. Some of them have not just other gods before him But spiritual fornication as well. They are blind as a bat. Some are willfully & spitefully ignorant and rebellious to the letter.

 No amount of adulation is going to grant you eternal life. Only the blood of the lamb/Christ crucified can do that. Bless the lord for John 3:16  He is the only narrow way. 

I recall the singer/musician Sting once giving an interview where his child was being born years ago during the making of the film documentary "Bring on the night". He said his child is being born with white linens/sheets clean when other children are being born poor & afflicted as they will not have that same luxury. Christ paid the price in full and blessed are the poor whom Christ loved even before the foundations of the world were laid. There's is the Kingdom of heaven. ((Salvation)).. They are rich in Christ's love and they will have the gospel preached to them. 

The lord Jesus Christ said to repent and believe in the gospel else-wise you will all likewise perish. Many will be paid in full. Stamped "Paid in Full" They will have reaped the world and forfeited their own souls. There is no other name given unto man where he can be saved. No other person died for the sins of the world but the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ. Salvation is of the lord. 

Get Saved HERE.

 July 19, 2020 5.21 am / 5:44 am /6:44 am /10:44 am 

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