Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Children of the devil

December 7/2019

Does the devil really have children? Yes! So who are they? They are NOT the children of God. In other words they are not born again by the spirit of God or follow the true biblical Jewish Jesus Christ. Many are none believers/Atheists and others are children of those in the world. The power of the gospel can reach them hopefully! There are many people closer to the devil than the true and one holy God of Israel and the bible. What does the bible say about the children of God. Read HERE.

Every liar will have their part in the lake of fire. Revelation 21:8 1 John 3: 1-10 Yes there was a fall and the serpent beguiled Eve. Before the foundations of the earth were laid "I am" already had a plan for the Savior of the world to be born in Bethlehem and to be the Savior of the world. The Bible says he knew us even before we were born. Go ponder that one. The devil is the Prince of the air and a father of all lies as the Bible tells us he was a liar from the beginning and even a murder. The Bible tells us we could murder people with our speech and we will give God an account for every idle word ever spoken on earth in the flesh on judgement Day. Mathew 12.36 

HORRIBLE TIMES: So many people take the name of God in vain. O.M.G, as you know or that taking a name of God in- vain regardless if it be God's title even his memorial name or the name of Jesus is serious sin. Many people blaspheme the name of the Lord's anointed name. Or they might take Christ's name including his anointed name in vain. I see this in movies,  in television shows, and the workplace and among family members. The word of God says he will not let it go without punishment. I think one of the greatest irritants is being deceived, not loving the truth, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. 2 Timothy 3:5  In essence to live deceived, to live a lie and not to love the gospel truth. As they say the devil had the audacity to temp the son of the living God. The other irritant is to know the gospel truth, to know it is truth as the word of God is truth, and to know the reprobates are exactly as God describes them to be. I myself was lost once and found. It could not have been by my own hand but it was by God, his word and perhaps people's prayers that I came to understand the gospel truth, and I'm able to see the spiritual truth. This is not alone by my own doing but by God's guidance & spirit that I have a thirst & hunger for the gospel truth coupled with his righteousness. We cannot lean on our own understanding. 

The problem in life is when people are carnally minded just as the Bible says they are and reprobates have a deprived mind & they are lost. Such reprobates God considers unbelievers even though they see themselves as believers. They are lost in deception. Glory goes to the son of the living God as the Bible says God searches the heart and nothing is hidden from him. Christ said choose life not death. He said you cannot serve two masters being money and God. Why did he say this? He said this because he knew that there were people in his day following him because they wanted to see miracles but many of these people weren't interested in spiritual change/truth. He said "Satan is the father of lies and he was a murderer from the beginning." Can you understand the SHOCK and perplexity of this statement?? How can one digest this? Is it TRUE? YES!!!!!  

Just as today many people cannot and do not deny themselves as they don't love the truth, as they live deceived and they don't honor God in spirit and in truth. The Bible tells us whatever masters you will be your master. Many peoples master is deception, falsehood including ignorance that binds/blinds them in many regards. If you follow the world and you are like the world and you are one with the world, you rejoice with the world then you are not for God but against him. When this happens you have become God's enemy. No wonder on judgement Day so many will hear "I never knew you, get away from me you workers of iniquity." They just don't see. You could say that they are blind as a bat. I know the shocking truth of this biblical line "The world loves its own". What does that mean? The world loves those who partake in sins with it. Those who look and act like it. Those who are for it.  You could say ignorance is their blindness as they are partakers in an ocean of sins/deception because that is what it really is. This is why the Bible tells us you must come out of the world and deny yourself. There is so many professing to know the lord Jesus Christ and they conveniently transgress the laws of God and follow counterfeit as they refuse to accept and live the biblical truth.  They are reprobates and God gave them over to a depraved mind as the Bible tells us. They are blind and they can't decipher spiritual or biblical truth. The Bible puts it bluntly and plainly that they are not of the truth and the truth is not with them. But the great thing is the word of God has the power to deliver them out of bondage, out of slavery and out of their sins and to the light that men reject. But that word has to be preached among wolves as God tells us to have any effect at all. The way God puts it in his word is that some people have a hardened heart. They hardened their Hearts. It's hard to speak to the wall that doesn't want to listen. You see on judgement Day when many forfeit their souls because they didn't love/Live the truth but they loved all the defilement's and all the sinful pleasures of the world as they ignored the sacrifice of a Jewish biblical Risen Messiah, a Jewish biblical savior paid with his own blood on a Roman cross they choose not to obey. To be blunt about it people love play and people love pleasure. If you don't believe it look at the abortion rate and the murder rate. When people say she/he is GOOD is this the way God see's peoples hearts? There are children of the devil as God cannot be wrong. 

If people worship God in vain keeping a doctrine of men being traditions of men how can that be of God. Do you really think things have changed? Christ was perfect and he did not do as they did. How does this relate to children of the devil? A little leaven leavens the whole lump. A little sin as small as a grain of salt stains the heart/The soul and there is a way that is appealing to people being children, teens, young adults, middle age people and old people but is it the way of the lord. NO The world is DECEIVED just as written and it LOVES ITS OWN. 

Read Mark 7 5-13 HERE so you can understand what God likes and does not like.

Young men love sports cars , toys and women but they don't love the biblical truth nor do many live it. They love hobbies and the movies but not God. Christ called the Bible being the word of God The Good News gospel. He said repent and believe on the gospel. He also said if you abide in my word then you will be my disciples. The Bible says to be a doer of the word. The Apostle Paul said that he finished the good fight. When Jesus died on the cross he said it is finished. We could either be slaves to error and slaves to sin, slaves to deception or we could love the truth and live the truth and honor God in spirit and in truth. Christ said he knows his sheep and that they listen and obey him and that the ways of the world are not his ways. Who is your master? Do you live a lie or the truth? There could only be one truth. The devils come preaching another Jesus and another gospel. Beware!!! 
 Ephesians 4:4-6  (KJV) "4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."

1 Peter 5 8 -9. (KJV)
"5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. 6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"

 John 3:16 as it states whoever believes in Christ could have eternal life through him as he is the savior of the world but many people profess to know him but they've been sold counterfeit. They are blind. Can you be in the world and all its lustful deceptions and say you believe and obey the Lord. What I'm saying is can you partake in the table of the lord and the table of demons as the Bible puts it. You can't serve two masters. You see it's impossible. God clearly distinguishes it in his word and he makes known what is an abomination to him. Christ did the same when he said you will keep your own traditions making to none effect the word of God which is a two edge sword.

GOD would have it that none perish but that word needs to be preached.

Acts 26:18  (KJV)

"18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."
You see when you live a lie and you don't love the truth the devil has you in his back pocket. Why? Because he is the father of lies and you are siding with him instead of with the biblical lord Jesus Christ. When you can't obey the Lord and his Commandments you are not abiding in him. When you have believed in vain you live deceived and as the Bible tells us Satan comes to steal that seed right away from you. This is why Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell everything and give the money to the poor then to pick up his cross and follow him. There is a cross to bear for truth and holiness and it's rejected as the real true Jewish biblical Jesus Christ was rejected too. This world is greatly deceived. 

Many people have a negative view of the Gospel despite living in a democracy where that word/that book is available to them. They might have it collecting dust on a shelf and they don't care what's written in it. They don't study it nor read it. They care more about following all the illusion filled, vanity infested membership and cunning ways of the world. No wonder on judgement Day the Lord Jesus Christ will tell many that he never knew them. Mathew 7:21-23 The Bible says the truth can set you free. Satan is the father of lies and he is not the father of Truth. The love of God is not a carnal love of men. The Bible tells us that light came into the world and Men loved darkness. Only the truth can set you free but you got to love the truth. The word of God is a living inspired word and it can set you free but you got to take interest in reading it and understanding it. Salvation is of the Lord. Psalm 3:8 Do you know the God of the bible? Please seek HIM. Repent and believe on the gospel. In retrospect it is apparent that some people actually care more about cleaning their house but not about the biblical truth regarding cleaning their soul by repentance and acceptance of biblical truth. People that say or profess that they are believers then act violently when they were read scripture or told the truth are seriously lost. If they loved the truth wouldn't that make them feel pleased? In closing read this signpost below.

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