Sunday 10 March 2019

The deceived fallen sinful nature of man

Think of Lucifer (Satin) as he was according to the bible a cherubim angel that once guarded the throne of God and pride was found in him. He started to worship (Self worshiping) himself. Later he thought with that same "pride" "14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High",  and thought to replace God. Man has attempted the same things to create his own Gods and has been self worshiping many other Gods man created including believing himself to be God for generations. We read about actors/singers/famous people with great splendor in vanity/talent that end up ruined and with a life of wordily distortion by the ways of the world and drifting very far from Christ/his doctrine that some once sang about. No man is above Satin. Yes! I said Satin because they do the same things and Satin is the master and father of (ALL) lies and deception. Satin was/is above all men in evil and deception. The bible is real. Man is fallen, carnal, sinful and attracted to all the things that deceives him and sends him to hell. We have proven that we are "worst" than Adam and Eve. We (Humans) have gone astray. Example : "Pride Parades/proud of sin" and the multitudes have shown God we do not get it." Gay Marriage! legalized drugs and Alcohol, Abortions.  But the wicked ways of the world people embrace.   In other words man is worthy of hell-fire. What man wants/desires is death added unto the already fallen ways of the world & fallen man. We have a sinful nature that is toxic. Hell is real. Don't be deceived! Have you read the world news? Man is abundantly evil. He is far from God. He rejects the true light of the gospel. Jesus Christ is the only way. Man will even go as far as saying that universal salvation is what God is eventually doing. Deceived man cannot conceive that hell is real and he will justify the scriptures to make it seem as universal salvation is Gods plan of redemption. Clearly man will parish. No man on earth that ever lived is above Jesus Christ. No one. He is whom he said he was. He is risen. Our fallen evil carnal nature does not change the truth of Christ and the gospel message. The message of the bible is clear. We are clearly in the end of times as foretold. People are proud to be deceived and have itchy ears gospel wise. The true light and voice is the son of God being Yeshua (Jesus Christ). The gospel (66) books of the King James Bible clearly spells out the truth. We have been glued to the wicked ways of the world and we must make that change and come to Christ. There is NO OTHER DOOR. 

What I noticed is even after famous people have past people get attached to things relating to that celebrities lives that become extremely expensive. They speak and sing about Christ but deny him in countless ways. Many don't know him. People cherish memories and worship them by these sorts of memorabilia items. (hoarders!). Jesus Christ on the other hand came to show us/teach us the truth, the way and the life.  He came to seek and save that which was lost. He came to set us free. That way must deny self and pride and follow Christ ONLY. A man or woman must be humbled/pride-less and must shun sin and vanity. They must use their God given gifts to glorify God and not the world. They must be the salt of the earth. They must be willing to pick up their cross and follow. The world is extremely deceived and falling away is too easy. A little leaven leavens the whole load.  It is that easy to fall away.  The heart is so wicked and who can know it. The heart must be right with God. No vanity on earth will save people but the blood of the lamb that takes away the sins of the world can. You must believe on the only name given unto man to be saved and follow him with all your hearts, mind & soul. You must accept him as your lord and savior. God does not want any people to parish. There is a way that seems right unto a man/woman and in the end it is the way of death.

The chief corner stone is Jesus Christ! He was the rejected corner stone that is in fact the lords of lords and King of all Kings. God wills shall be done despite mans ignorance and fallen nature.  Get saved ASAP.

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