Saturday, 8 August 2020

I never knew you lost sheep

August 8, 2020 9:44 / 10:44 pm

Updated August 9, 2020 3:30 pm / 3:44 pm

Updated August 10, 2020 3:44 pm Updated Aug 11/2020 6:44 am

Review of these video's regarding the Christian biblical faith.  It is written the truth will set you free! From what!? Deception of this wicked world and the devils lies. The lord Jesus Christ once said every liar will have their part in the lake of fire. Revelation 21:8 If people die in their sins they will perish. We can be thankful for John 3:16

This street preacher is wise. I like him! Sometimes what I find with street preachers and we are all prone to it is telling people either biblical things way to complicated to understand or justifying ourselves when we were lost. What do I mean? Well I know we give our testimony on what changed our lives and brought us to Christ. Sometimes there is a tendency to have to justify so they will listen which can work for our benefit or even against us sometimes. Maybe useful but sometimes too much is not beneficial perhaps. Preach Christ crucified. 

Muslims and Catholics vs Preacher 

This above was a very interesting to see. About a Street preacher preaching to people of other faiths and people that are not believers in the biblical Jesus Christ. The devils deceive the whole world. When you hear people say the earth is billions of years old, they are deceived.  When you worship your God or another Christ and you worship Angels or in-steep-t in paganism you better turn to the bible/scriptures (kjv) to see what does the bible teach. Adding or subtracting from the word of God can cause your name to NOT be written in the lamb's book of life. Narrow is the way and the world is on the broad path to destruction. There is NO concord between light & darkness! As written in Colossi-ans 2:16 entitled: Alive in Christ "…16 Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the body that casts it belongs to Christ. 18 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you with speculation about what he has seen. Such a man is puffed up without basis by his unspiritual mind." 


I heard about Rick Warren before founded of Saddle-back Church in Orange County, California, which is now one of the largest and best-known churches in the world as it is written. I didn't know who he was so much prior. Somehow I stumbled onto the video of him preaching and it just automatically played. He sounded very appealing but then I wanted to know why people said he preaches a false gospel. It is said he preaches a watered down gospel. So I looked into it and now I know. It's a little bit like prosperity preaching with a different angle/twist. 

They say the message is more focused on himself including a review of one of his book "A purpose driven life" which he says sells 2nd best to the bible. They say he fails to preach the real gospel. Above/Below there are video that are astonishing you can watch. So what is the analysis? What am I or others to think of this! I can't judge him in condemning him because he is doing something when others are doing less it seems. I cannot speak for others either. What I can do is judge this by my heart. Being positive is one thing but preaching a gospel that is not the gospel is another thing. Seems wrong to my heart. They say he skips certain things while using different bible version to make his point that fits.  They say he is a genius but its used the wrong way in the film. To me its more positive thinking prosperity preaching with a twist as I may have said prior. To me its not the life those martyrs  of Christ or the Apostles or even the prophets lived. I am constantly reminded of John 2:16



It's important to note on the video page that there were 398 positives & 240 negatives. They could have other copies of this around so it's hard to know what people think in terms of numbers.  

I believe the video is about 2 minutes long give or give/take a few seconds? 

They say Rick's Church is the 8th largest Church in the United States and Rick's been invited to speak at forums being national & international including the United Nations. He/Rick was named one of America's top 25 important leaders. He is the author of the book "A purpose driven life." Rick says this book is the most translated next to the Bible and in a hundred different languages. Rick says it is a best seller next to the Bible. He talks about the 4 words it opens with being: "It's not about you". 

They say he claims he is ushering in a new reform in the ChurchSo, they analyzed what is this reform. They say his ministry deserves serious criticism especially that he's been criticized of preaching a watered-down gospel. They are making the implication this is a superficial version of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. They are saying he chooses what fits his program and as a result when you listen to Rick Warren you don't get convicted. The film is interesting as they use the Bible against his teaching to see if it matches. And they have different people talking about it which is very interesting. They say he followed in the steps of Peel and Robert Schuller. They are talking about the designing this/his Church which is a megachurch for unbelievers and making it attractive for such. The New testament Church is for the equipping of the Saints for Ministry according to the bible. It is for the edifying of the body of Christ. Rather than transforming and conforming the Church to the world which not the gospel as it is written : "2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." They say he's a member of the New World Order which he denied but later confirmed. What they're saying is pretty heavy. View it for yourselves in the video above.  (edited: 6.22 pm)

Rick Warren Warning (Pastor Charles Lawson) 

311,282 views  • Oct 5, 2013

This sermon teaching by pasture Charles Lawson maybe an older one but he covers some very relevant things in the faith that are  still prevalent today. Although they are still the truth some people try and say since times have changed we cannot judge with the same measure and while that may be true to a certain point God does not change yesterday, tomorrow and forever. God knows the truth man cannot accept.

Now to explain regarding Charles Lawson's teaching here a little bit.


Charles said he talked about 10 ways the week prior Christians are being monitored. He says information is being kept in a database on Christian believers. So, Charles wants to review the enormous apostasy going on in the Christian Church. Now there are Churches that are not Christian so to speak. He quoted the scripture of the last days when perilous times shall come (2 Timothy 3) when men shall be lovers of their own selves. And yes, we have arrived as people are plugged into electronics and live pleasure more than God. Charles say there are reprobates and it says turn away from such/them. He said they reached a certain line whereby God gave them over to a deprived Mind. It is written in the book of Romans. (Romans 1:26-32)

People use to have more money at one time and could buy all sorts of products. Today they have what's called the mainline evangelical movement. He talks about the socialist agenda of the far left.  He talks about men whom crept in and denied the virgin birth and other aspects of the faith.. He says such movement of liberalism denied the Bible because their faith in the Bible were shaken by so called science. There was a reaction to that being the fundamentals movement. He talks about where such Church denominations came from and even when they said creationism is a myth. So he gets into Baptists and what they believe and the fact there have been people like Baptists that believe the same things even before. He said John the Baptist was not a member of the body of Christ. I think he is. He was a believer. John said he was unworthy to untie the shoelaces of the messiah/The Christ. Christ said good things about him too. He said people have been around for two thousand years that were like Baptists even if they did not believe everything Baptists believe. He said to teach that the Church all came out if Rome is to defy enormous ignorance. Did it? No 


Charles talked about the Protestant Reformation and some good people it produced along with the different denominations. He said that apostasy creeps in and when this happens it begins to erode the very foundation of the faith. He also talked about the Baptist convention going way back and that he was saved in a southern Baptist Church. He talked about Charles Darwin and when he published his origin of the species in the 18 hundred(s). It brought the division is what he saying. Perhaps people started believing in evolution and not in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, Charles gets into all of this dilemma of the 19 hundred(s) where there was a controversy between creation versus science. And what ended up happening they wanted to discredit the Bible. So, they say that it would be impossible for God to create the world in 6 days and they sort of laughed it off. We know God spoke everything into existence so you could imagine how many things he could have spoken into existence in 6 days. As they say men cannot do that as only God can do that/only God has that ability. He says there are people who take a position publicly that they support the Bible but privately they don't believe it. 

Charles says that there we're men in the pulpit that denied the Bible because their faith in the Bible had been shaken by the events he talked about. And of course, people fell away. He said there was a reaction to that and the reaction was the fundamentalist movement. Out of this movement they went back to the Bible and that's where the independent Baptist Church came from. Charles talks about judging individual Churches and how it's done. He seems logical in his assessment but it's probably much deeper than that. (Revelation 17)The funny thing is he gets into Rick Warren and his Mega Church. Charles talks about Rick's megachurch having thousands upon thousands of people/members along with enormous influence and effect upon people. So, Charles talks about his mission or duty as a pasture and that he believes we are living in the last days. Pastor Charles Lawson says he is warning his members and as a pastor that is his duty. You could watch the video in its entirety yourselves. Well done! Very interesting. 


In retrospect I've already explained this above. And there is one documentary film explaining what they found dissatisfying with Ricks Warren's book and his way of preaching entitled Beware of the false gospel (See above). They explained about his ministry and how far into the world it reaches and what he did with some of the money. He seems very appealing and uses positive thinking that they say was influenced by Robert Harold Schuller and another fella. If you want to know more see: Rick Warren (Information): Here's What Every Christian Must Remember When Trying to Become Like Christ (L HERE)


If I Could Only Teach You One Thing: 

Why God Made You with Rick Warren 

Rick Warren Emergent Church False Preachers

 - Justin Peters

Above: Justin Peters, M.Div., The exposes more false teachers via his multimedia presentations – The Expositor (He says he rescues lost and deceived sheep) Rick said its almost IMPOSSIBLE to go to hell. Christ said if people don't repent and believe in the gospel they will all likewise perish.. (GO TO HELL) As Justine said lets preach the right gospel. 

Sometimes I stumble upon videos that I review.  This world is full of wickedness and the devil deceives and temps the whole world. You can loss you soul. What will that profit YOU! as Christ said. There seems to be a fine line between such things and people get deceived in the process. Almost seems surreal. People are attracted to easy believe-ism as they say. 



Are you really SAVED? Wake up NOW!!! Get saved

Foot Notes:

Are we to be surprised at the evil and manipulation of this world? In some cases there is good among the bad but it is a very narrow door. The New Testament Church is the one that administers to individuals and not for money. Hard to do in a megachurch where people become numbers. Where two or three are gathered in my name there I am say the lord. Not where thirty thousand are gathered. God is not the author of confusion as it is written. This is the one the Apostles used but such was persecuted. Still exists throughout the centuries! but where is it? PRAY! The Kingdom of God is in YOU. It comes not by observation! Amen

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