Sunday, 13 January 2019

The serpents tonque

Sunday January 13, 2019

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. We are/will be accountable for our words and actions especially unrepentant nor saved to God. The tongue is wicked and is a great poison. This goes for all of us and even for those truly saved. I would hope that we can walk the walk. We need to follow the gospel message and be a doer of the word. Pride comes before a fall. Christ was humbled. In the gospel it speaks about the humbled servant. The gospel says the more we have the more we will be accountable for. Especially a preacher who preaches God’s word.   Jesus understood how cunning the serpent really is that he deceives the whole world. You might ask why does God allow him to do that. Because we choose to severe the relationship with the living God.  On top of thing we gave him legal right when we did that. What! God's purposes are higher than ours. God has FREE WILL and GRACE. BUT, we are so easily led astray. This is just a little sermon talk about the gospel message and about our toxic speech. We are created in God’s image. It is not the drought that defiles us but the things we think and speak. The gospel includes all 66 books. A Luke warm gospel is not the gospel. Salvation is the GOOD news.  John 3.16 (Amen).  Sin starts in the mind. We are to forgive others but we are not to repeat sins. Change starts in the mind. You can choose to follow the lord. So many walk the way of destruction. The measure you use to judge another person will be used against you. We are not to confuse righteous judgment. In other words we need to make choices but we cannot condemn someone to hell. We can tell them what is written in the gospel and show them their transgressions. The gospel tells us to do that. When Christ healed people he said it is your faith that healed you as he told the Roman commander who ask if he could heal his servant. That commander said I know it will be done and Jesus said he had seen no greater faith in all of Israel.

We can choose to follow the vanities and adulteries of this wicked fallen world or we can live a life in Christ and find true life. We need to make the choice who we will follow. Christ said to feed his sheep. Preach the Kingdom come and get people saved. Turn from sin and worship the living God as he deserves praise forevermore. Do we want to be best friends with/like SATIN? So many are! God is not a man that he should lie and his word is the truth.

The gospel truth can/will set you free.  Many people under estimate the power of that living word. We can choose life or death. Spiritual death does not lead to heaven but leads to outer darkness. The truth is we are so easily deceived and led astray. Pray for each other please. Please pray for those people being persecuted in the world for their belief in Christ. Stop murdering people with that wicked tongue and turn from sin. 

Beware as hell exists and many will be living there in torment. God is not a man that he should/would lie. His ways are higher than ours. We need to turn from sin and be humbled before the lord. God loves you enough that he sent his only begotten son into the world. Say no to sin and YES to GOD.


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