10.21 am , 12.44 am, 1.11 pm, 1.13 pm, 11.33 November 30 2020
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done.
Did you know Flesh and Blood did not reveal that the biblical Lord Jesus Christ is the messiah / the son of the living God/The Christ to Apostle Peter. Matthew 16:17 The gates of hell will not prevail against the lord being his true body of believers, his congregation, his flock/ his called out ones nor his coming Kingdom. Nothing can separate us from his love. Romans 8:35
The wages of sin is death. You have been quickened that were dead in trespasses. Ephesians 2:13 The world is deceived. Let me say that again as the world is deceived. Why would God allow the world to be deceived. Well you reap what you sow and you have to put your faith in his will and not your will and his understanding as well. It's fallen! John 316 but still there are blessings and cursing's and people do use their tongue to curse people which is sin because you are made in the image of the Living God. You know Jesus said that what defiles a man or a woman is not what enters them but what comes out of their mouth/their hearts. A person with a toxic tongue being a small rudder or a small member of the body can boast of great things and people use it to bless people and to curse people. The talk of the world is Vanity, arrogance and much cursing. People are perishing / being destroyed and they don't even know it. Hosea 4:6
Now we're going to explain that the word of God tells us that we should be angry at sin. Ephesians 4:26 Some preach we should stay angry at the Devil but don't let the sun go down on us. So many people picture/their imagination of the devil is a guy with a pitchfork in hell. In essence think about it; how can this one guy first know as Lucifer who is now known as Satan deceive the whole world when it's made up of many generations and millions & millions of people let alone many nations. How can he Satin do this all at once and tempt everybody. Seems rather unusual. What's the Bible tells us?We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities of evilness of every type imaginable in high places. Ephesians 6:12 These things do exist. Now these devils apart from Satin their master are fallen angels or even demons for that matter and are not human. The word of God tells us the angels are made above men. Colossi-ans 1:16 Psalm 8:5 Probably some with great power. They are also not of this realm. The word of God tells us that the devil managed to take an eighth/great multitude of the Fallen Angels from heaven with him. Everyday millions of people are born and every day tons of people pass away. We live in a fallen world where there are things present that we cannot see nor can be observed with the human eye.
Sometimes as a believer or a disciple in Christ when we say certain things or give our personal opinion we are not trying to bring division. Nonetheless Christ is come to divide some of us . Matthew 10:34 Sometimes we are drawing reference off a personal experience but people might take this out of context and misunderstand. But sometimes other people might have experienced those things and might themselves be going through those things. In the end you have to be humbled before the Lord. Sure you could be bold proclaiming the word of God but you don't have to be arrogant and prideful. So many fail to put themselves last or acknowledge as a labor of the lord others. His glory is what needs to be the forefront and his WILL. What he did as he loved us before the foundations of the world were laid. You were bought with a great price and you are not your own. 1 Corinthians 6:20 Unsaved you will give a full accounting on judgment day for your life. By your words you will be exalted or condemned.
Now people talk about the mercy and grace and love of God/our lord. Since the beginning of time there are people that did not feel this or do not feel or know this. There are people that live under dictatorships and they don't know the love of Christ. There are people suffering from life threatening diseases that don't feel that and perhaps some that due. Many have not heard the gospel. But nonetheless you can still pray for such people. You know Jesus said that with God all things are possible. That doesn't mean that God is going to make you a rich man/woman. You may be rich in faith. The word of God also tells us nothing is impossible to the believer. Luke 1:37 But there's a stipulation because it has to be within his will and he knows if you ask for something and you intend to squander meaning using it for the wrong purposes you may ask amiss.
Now a few important scriptures.
Deuteronomy 4:2 King James Version 2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.
Revelation 22:18-19 King James Version 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
In conclusion.
Another thing people misunderstand is faith. Sometimes when we are referencing such perhaps in a blog or even conversation we are not trying to tell pastures that they are doing things wrong. Sometimes people take things out of context. Sometimes we are simply reinstating what the word of God says because there are many people that don't live as such. Sure sometimes they might be exercising faith without thinking about it. Here is a dictionary explanation of faith "complete trust or confidence in someone or something." There are times in the gospel as written as the Lord Jesus Christ said your faith has made you whole. They were healed. It's true to be positive is a good thing. Being negative is not a very pleasant thing. Sometimes for some people it's not easy to exercise their faith or lack thereof. That's because there are people with great pain. Perhaps people seriously hurt in an accident. Perhaps people that suffered great trauma and afflictions. The word of God tells us that the biblical Lord Jesus Christ was rejected and even by his very own. He was a man well acquainted with sorrow. Still he did his father's will. He showed love to many by feeding the multitudes. He showed it by Healing the Sick and afflicted. He is the God of the living!
Now if I have to touch base on something else that came to mind it is why are some people sent to hell and other people pardoned. Even Jesus spoke about the people that were crushed at the tower of Si-loam but they weren't worst sinners than others that perished. When people propel evil or pay back Evil for evil and they die in their sins unrepentant they perish. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the lord. We also know that there are certain sins that are abominable. That's why we have the Our Father prayer. Pray that you are not lead into temptation and that you are delivered from evil. Delivered from what? Evil because narrow is the way that leads to Salvation and Broad is the way that leads to destruction. Enter in at the narrow gate. Any other way will make a person trying to enter on their own terms nothing more than a thief and a robber.
Repent and believe in the gospel for the kingdom of God is at hand. Do Gods WILL.
As written in Matthew 6 19-21
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
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